Family Youth Interaction Community Services
"Where supporting is our focus and where we believe in you."

Comprehensive Community Services
The Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program is a community-based psychosocial rehabilitation program designed to provide a wide array of services including a variety of community services and supports. This program may be available to you through your respective County. The program is available to individuals with a diagnosis of a mental health illness or substance abuse disorder who also have Medical Assistance benefits. The focus is on consumers taking an active role in their treatment and recovery. Services are consumer-centered and consumer-directed, meaning that the consumer should have the choice in the selection of those on their recovery team, what services they receive and who provides these services.
Family Youth Interaction is CCS credentialed in multiple Counties and would be available in your area to provide services to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.
We currently provide individual and group based communication and interpersonal skills training & community skills development and enhancement training under the CCS service array for both adults and youth.